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Ask the Expert Committee

Charge of Committee: Works with the HHN staff to plan calendar, determine content, recruit speakers, and facilitate Ask the Expert sessions.

Advocacy & Awareness Committee

Charge of Committee: To create a Healthcare Hospitality House imperative by identifying and promoting opportunities to promote advocacy and awareness, tell the story of the HHH impact on patient outcomes, and build relationships with key collaborators.

Certified Hospitality House Committee

Charge of Committee: with the Executive Director and Committee Chair to evaluate, define and enhance the Certified Hospitality House (CHH) curriculum and qualifications; and review certification applications.

Events Committee

Charge of Committee: Works with the HHN Staff to actively recruit sponsors, speakers and underwriters; provide feedback and input on conference content and activities; and volunteer during the conference. Works with the HHN Staff and Conference Chair to plan for future conferences.

Finance Committee

Charge of Committee: Shall oversee the budget, audits, and investments, as directed by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the standing rules.

Governance Committee

Charge of Committee: Shall oversee board and officer nominations, board development, bylaws, and legal activities, as directed by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the standing rules.

Membership Committee

Charge of Committee: Works with the Executive Director and Committee Chair to actively recruit prospective new members; serve as ambassadors for HHN with new members; and assist with member retention and renewal.